Monday, June 11, 2007

Turning Stone trip report

Where to begin?

Note: not completely accurate. Arrived at Turning Stone around 10 because it's HPT week. Didn't feel like playing NL, so I signed up for the 2/4 LHE game. Good idea, right? Wrong.
As soon as I sit down (in the cutoff), I look down to pocket 6's. It was limped to me, so I just went along. Flop 639, 2 diamonds. I take it down on the turn. Uh-oh. I won my first hand?

About an orbit later, I pick up Kings in EP. I raise, guy on my left re-raises, I 3 bet, he caps. I lead out on the Q79 flop (forget the exact flop), he calls. Ace on turn, I slow down and check/call. Check/check river. I asked if he had Jacks or something. Wasn't far off - he had 10's.

Not much after that - I rivered a straight with 97o in one hand. My next hand was pocket 4's. I was in LP for this one and thought about raising, but limped along again. 4Q9 flop with one heart, forget action. Turn an Ah, again forget what happened. River was the 10h, checked down, beat Q9.

Won another with KJo, but that was a split. Took a lunch break.

After coming back, I get 54. EP raiser, but I decided to see the flop. 527 flop, EP bets, I call, one other caller. Turn a 5. EP bets, I raise, other guy calls. Slowed down on river, lost to J5. Blahhhhhhhh.

Won a small pot with A9 when I check/raised on a 994 flop. Wheee.

I can also finally say I folded a full house...while not playing Omaha. I'm in the BB with 76 spades, no raises (which for this game was quite normal.) JJ6 flop, checked through. Queen turn, checked through again. Jack on the river, I think about betting, but decide to check. Guy to my left bets, there's either a call or a raise, I take a few seconds and decide to fold. Pocket pair (I think 7's) loses to Jacks full of Queens.

Fun one here: Bunch of limpers and I raised with A7. A bunch of callers (no fold'em hold'em. standard), AJ2 flop. Checked to me, I bet, 1 caller. Forget turn action, c/c river. J3. He had a monster - it was soooooooooooooooted. Sarcastic "nice river" at showdown.

This put me on tilt, so I started raising blind before the flop, then looking when the flop hit and doing a lot of check/folding. Anyway, I do it UTG this time. A bunch of calls, K109 flop. I lead out with Queens, get raised, call. Check/call the 9 turn hoping to hit my gutshot or set on the river. Nope.

Ended my session (busto) with AKo in the SB. Limped to me, I raise blind (again), QJQ flop, 2 turn, J river. Lose to J8.

Was fun except for the end of the session. I definitely lost a ton of value on a few hands (most notable the A9), but live and learn.

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